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Industrial Liquid Coatings is dedicated solely to the development, manufacture and sale of  liquid and electrodeposition coatings. From general industrial to architectural and commercial transportation coatings, we work to advance quality, productivity and efficiency. Please choose your country:


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Thermosetting powder coatings include the Alesta and Nap-Gard brands. Axalta powder coatings are easy to use and meet performance standards set by leading manufacturers and industry organizations.

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Axalta's thermoplastic powder coatings - including the Plascoat, Abcite, Talisman and Wireguard brands - are functional coatings, designed for toughness and chip resistance. They do not require a primer, and provide protection in aggressive industrial environments.

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Axalta polymer powders with its Coathylene and Gotalene product lines provides ultra-fine formulation additives for applications including the polymer processing, automotive, aerospace, construction, personal care, paints, offshore and safety equipment industries.

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Voltatex electrical insulation materials include wire enamels, impregnating resins and electrical steel coatings.

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