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The biography of Madame C.J. Walker, America's first self-made millionairess. Walker's fortune was built on skin and hair care products, parlaying a homemade beauty formula into a prosperous business from coast to coast. By interweaving social, economic and political history, the film also offers a view of Black America from 1867 to the 1930s.


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Through musical animated shorts, The History of White People in America examines how skin color has come to define race in our country. The shorts capture the truth of what it means to be American – that “us” and “them” are constantly redefined, that our racial history deserves contemplation, and that above all else we are bound by our rich differences in experience and identity.


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PULLING THE THREAD unravels some of America’s most popular conspiracy theories to reveal the emotional, cognitive and social forces that lead rational people to believe irrational things. The series pushes us to think about HOW we think - why conspiracy theories are so alluring, how we get caught in their web, how they undermine trust and civil-society - and what we can do about it.

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